
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Faux Stitching Made Easy !

Hello, today we will learn the easy technique of stitched paper without the machine. Now I know this has been around a very long while..heck even other companies have made template after template to make the task easier..but these can get pricey and even though I love a short cut..I love being frugal too :)


mouse pad
large needle or needle tool
12 inch ruler
thin line black marker
1 piece of paper same length as the one you are piercing

When I faux stitch I set the item to be pierced down on the mouse pad and place ruler along the area I believe I want pierced...i try to stay within 1/16 - 1/8th of an inch off the edge of the paper..this gives the item a more polished look. I then begin using the needle tool every 1/4 in mark and poke. "see picture".

After I have poked all holes I then take the piece of paper that I cut to be the same length and place it slightly off the center of poked holes. 

I then ran my black marker down those holes.....Wa La ! Easy faux stitching..I have also realized if you want the stitches to look like denim thread that Copic marker Y26 is perfect for this :)


  1. Thanks for the great reminder ~ I always forget about doing something like this.

  2. Great money saver! I love this look and it's great to be able to do it any time without investing a lot of time and money. Thanks!
